An essential feature of Australia’s commercial and cultural identity has been the regulation of employment. This has created significant hurdles for employers, as well as giving rise to a rich and sometimes complex area of legal practice.
While it is tempting for practitioners to indulge themselves and each other in the vagaries and complexities of the law, there is little purpose to legal resources which can only be understood by other lawyers. This book is a highly practical, detailed and in depth reference text for business owners, managers, and HR professionals, to help navigate the law surrounding employment relationships in Australia.
This book addresses all stages of the employment relationship and the legal issues that arise, including choices around types of employment, recruitment, managing performance, and disciplinary processes. Several chapters deal directly with the termination of employment, including transfer of business, redundancy, and termination for cause. After feedback from clients, this edition also includes several new chapters that address topical issues in employment such as workplace relationships, bullying, and sexual harassment. Greater attention has also been given on how employers can manage the risks and processes of employment litigation.
Price: $25 AUD including GST and delivery. We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express payments. The publication is shipped via Australia Post.
To order: Email or call us on (02) 8436 2500
Note: PCC Employment Lawyers is now Olexo Workplace Law
The content of this publication is general in nature and provides a summary of the issues covered. It is not intended to be, nor should it be relied upon, as legal or professional advice for specific employment situations.
Olexo Workplace Law recommends that specialist legal advice should be sought about specific legal issues.